OCEAN COUNTY – Beginning on or about Monday, March 20, SUEZ will begin its comprehensive water main maintenance and fire hydrant testing program throughout its service territory in the Township of Toms River, the Borough of South Toms River and portions of the Township of Berkeley (Holiday City and Silver Ridge Park). The program is expected to last through early June, 2017, weather permitting.
“Fire hydrants are essential in providing water for fire protection and also serve a critical role in ensuring that SUEZ customers receive reliable, quality water service at their homes and businesses,” said Jim Mastrokalos, Director of Operations. “Fire hydrants are necessary to flush the underground water system which improves water quality by removing mineral and sediment deposits that have accumulated over time,” he added.
During testing operations, customers may experience temporary incidences of low pressure or volume and slight discoloration or cloudiness of tap water. It is best to shut the water off then check clarity by running cold tap water for a few minutes, which allows new water to work its way through the pipes.
Mastrokalos said that SUEZ typically conducts a water main maintenance and fire hydrant testing program twice a year, in the spring and fall, using a high velocity flow of water in the opposite direction of natural flow to keep the water mains clean and fresh.
If residential and business customers observe SUEZ crews working on streets where their homes and offices are located, the Company advises not to use tap water, washing machines or dishwashers until the brief activity is completed. Customers may wish to fill up clean bottles or containers with tap water ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator to use for drinking or cooking while the program is conducted in their area. Customers are also asked to be attentive while walking or driving near SUEZ trucks and crew members to ensure safety.
For additional information, please visit the Company website: mysuezwater.com, facebook.com/Suezwatersouthjersey, and twitter.com/SuezwaterSJ.
Customers with questions or concerns may call SUEZ at 877-565-1456.