TOMS RIVER – Roll out the red carpet and break out the popcorn, the 11th annual Ocean County Library Student Film Festival is coming up and submissions are needed.
The Ocean County Library is looking for the next Stephen Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino. Entries by high school filmmakers are now being accepted for a chance to see their film viewed on the big screen at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 22. The submission deadline is Friday, March 24. There is no entry fee.

Submissions are being accepted in the following categories:
An illustrated or computer-animated film featuring a story or a plot. The visual technique provides the illusion of motion by displaying a collection of images in sequence. Limit 3minutes.
An advertisement for a company, local business or product. The object is to create an interest in the promotion of the advertisement and should be targeted to the public. Limit 90 seconds.
Primarily for the purpose of education, instruction or historical record, documentaries cover a broad category of subjects intended to highlight some aspect of reality surrounding an issue, topic, or person of importance. The film should add value and promote discussion by bringing in new information, identifying unrecognized problems, providing or suggesting new solutions, or offering a unique perspective. Limit 5 minutes.
The film should be characterized by abstract or avant-garde techniques, a poetic approach to a film’s construction, and or the absence of a linear narrative. Limit 5 minutes.
Music Video:
A film integrating a song and imagery created for artistic purposes. The film should represent the artist’s original work and emphasize the relationship between audio and video. Limit 5 minutes.
News Coverage:
A segment that brings attention to an important issue ranging from local to global. Limit 3 minutes.
OCL Promo – Life without the library:
Create a piece , either serious or silly, showing what life would be like without the Ocean County Library. Limit 2 minutes.
Public Service Announcement:
Create a message, with the objective of raising awareness, or changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue. Limit 2 minutes.
School Coverage:
An informational segment about something happening at school, such as academics, a sporting event, or a play, etc. Limit 3 minutes.
Short Film Comedy:
The film must be an original that emphasizes a story. It should include character development, conflict and resolution with creative storylines that strive to keep the viewer engaged during the entire film. The Drama can include Action and Adventure. Limit 5 minutes
Short Film Drama:
The film must be an original that emphasizes a story. It should include character development, conflict and resolution with creative storylines that strive to keep the viewer engaged during the entire film. The Comedy can include Action and Adventure. Limit 5 minutes.
Short Film Horror:
The film must be an original that emphasizes a story. It should include character development, conflict and resolution with creative storylines that strive to keep the viewer engaged during the entire film. The Horror should include a scare factor. Limit 5 minutes
Silent Film:
A film that contains no synchronized soundtrack and no spoken dialogue. It should emphasize a story. It should include character development, conflict and resolution with creative storylines that strive to keep the viewer engaged for the full length of the film. Subcategories include but are not limited to action, adventure, comedy, drama, and horror. Limit 5 minutes.
Stop Motion Claymation:
Cinematographic technique in which successive positions of objects (as clay models) are photographed to produce the appearance of movement. Limit 3 minutes
Entry requirements, FAQs, and an application can be found on the Ocean County Library website, theoceancountylibrary.org/filmfest and at all 21 library locations.
The film festival is free and open to the public and will take place at the Toms River branch, 101 Washington St. It will feature a red carpet, awards, and refreshments.