Editor’s Note: This article has been updated and corrected to reflect the exact location of the parcel, to the north of the park. The original article included an incorrect description of the parcel and diversion.
SEASIDE HEIGHTS – The state Department of Transportation would like to use a 0.206-acre parcel along the Seaside Heights bayfront that runs along Route 35, where a pump station sits just north of the pier and park there.
Seaside Heights will host a scoping hearing, where the public can comment on this request. The hearing is from 4 to 7 p.m. March 9 in 1 Municipal Plaza council meeting room.
The parcel, which is Block 1.02 Lot 1, houses a pump station, which is north of the bayfront park and dock that abuts Route 35 southbound. The land is owned by Seaside Heights. The hearing was announced earlier this month, but those seeking to comment can attend the meeting or also hand in comments to the Seaside Heights Borough Administrator before the deadline, March 23.
The state DOT contacted the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program, proposing to divert 0.206 acre of bayfront “in connection with NJDOT’s Route 35 Reconstruction in response to damage caused by Hurricane Sandy,” according to the public notice. Officials at the DOT said the Route 35 reconstruction is already compete through this area.
Copies of any comments submitted on this request should also be sent to NJDEP, Green Acres Program, Bureau of Legal Services and Stewardship, Mail Code 501-01, 501 East State St., P.O. Box 420, Trenton, NJ 08625-0420.
Public comment on this diversion request will be accepted during the scoping hearing or until March 23, 2017.
If 1 Municipal Plaza is closed due to inclement weather, the meeting will be held on March 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the same location. If the meeting is held on March 23, the public comment period will be extended to April 6.