POINT PLEASANT – The Point Pleasant Elks Lodge is inviting the entire family to come out for a fun day of fishing at its 23rd Annual Fluke Tournament on Saturday, July 22. It’s a widely recognized fishing event throughout the area that’s been called the number one single port fluke tournament in New Jersey.
It all starts with a captain’s meeting on July 21 at the Lodge that must be attended by at least one member of each crew. Final rules and regulations will be shared. A picnic dinner will start at 5 p.m. for a small fee and the meeting will start at 7 p.m. and repeat every half hour until 9 p.m.
The tournament starts the next day at 6 a.m. as soon as the all clear is given for boats to head out of the inlet and start fishing.
There will be both a kayak and power boat division this year. Entry fee for the kayak division is $50 per kayak by July 19 and $65 after that, which includes one ticket to the awards picnic. Last year, anglers from four other states participated in this division, which is in its 10th year.
Entry fee for the power boat division is $145 for four anglers by July 19 and $195 after that, plus $25 for each additional angler. There will be a $4,500 cash prize awarded for the first place heaviest fluke, $2,000 for second place and $1,000 for third place. Additional prizes will be awarded for the largest fluke caught by a child under 14 years old and largest fluke caught by an Elk member in good standing.
The last fish must be weighed in the power boat division at one of three weighing stations by 3:30 p.m., and photos must be turned in for the kayak division by 3:30 p.m. back at the Lodge.
The fishing tournament will be followed by an Awards Picnic at 4 p.m. at the Lodge, 820 Arnold Avenue, complete with burgers, sausage & peppers, hot dogs, fries and more. Music will be playing while anglers and their families eat and wait for prizes to be posted to the Winner’s Board. Commemorative tee shirts, hats, mugs and raffle tickets for more prizes will be sold.
Local businesses in Point Pleasant, Point Pleasant Beach or surrounding areas that are interested in becoming sponsors or donating prizes and/or services to the tournament should call 732-899-7638 or visit pointpleasantelks.org.
Angler entry forms can be found at pointpleasantelks.org/fluke_files/BPOE1698_Fluke_2017_Entry_Form.pdf.