LAKEWOOD – After cases of measles were officially confirmed by the county and state health departments, Ocean Health Initiatives, Inc., (OHI) is reminding residents about the measles vaccine.
At least four cases of measles were found in Ocean County in late October and early November. As a Federally-Qualified Health Center, OHI is now stressing the importance of getting your vaccine.
“The Measles is a highly contagious virus that is spread through the air, (i.e., coughing and sneezing) and by direct contact with infectious droplets,” stated OHI.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms start to appear anywhere from 7-14 days after exposure in the form of high fever, cough, runny nose and red watery eyes. These symptoms could be followed by white spots in the mouth and a rash that spreads downward from your head to your neck, body, arms, legs and feet.
Although measles is highly contagious, it can be prevented with an MMR vaccine in children and adults. Children get two doses, the first during months 12 to 15, and the second during ages 4-6.
OHI Health Centers carry the MMR Vaccine and are available for administration by appointment. Teenagers and adults may also receive the vaccine if not vaccinated during childhood.
If you have been, or believe you have been exposed to the measles, you should mention this when booking an appointment so that proper medical procedures can be taken to protect other patients and the staff from risk.
For more information, contact Kyle Fannan, marketing development associate, at 732-719-1570. To schedule an appointment, call 732-363-6655. For more information about OHI’s services, visit ohinj.org.