Ocean County Vocational Technical School is holding admission information sessions for the 2017-2018 school year for the Academy of Law and Public Safety (ALPS).
The 2015-16 school year celebrated the opening of the OCVTS Academy of Law & Public Safety as a full-time educational program for high school juniors and seniors. The mission of the Academy of Law and Public Safety is to provide a rigorous college-prep, theme-based curriculum in conjunction with community and higher education partnerships. Ocean County students acquire knowledge, skills and professional ethics while utilizing the latest technology related to criminal justice.
OCVTS is now expanding ALPS and offering admission to incoming sophomores, as well as incoming juniors, for classes that begin September 2017.
Current high school freshman and sophomores, who are considering future studies and /or a career in public safety or criminal justice, and their parents, are encouraged to attend an admissions information session. The sessions outline the admission process, as well as provide insight into the career-themed based learning environments. Admission paperwork will be distributed at the information session.
ALPS will hold admission information sessions:
Tuesday, February 7 at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m.
The information sessions will be held at the Academy of Law and Public Safety, located at the
Ocean County Fire and First Aid Training Center in Waretown, New Jersey.
Call 732-473-3122 to register for a session.
Students are selected from applications through a competitive admissions process. Applicants must reside in Ocean County to be eligible for admission. Application deadline is March 1, 2017.
For more information about the OCVTS Academy of Law & Public Safety or the admission information sessions go to ocvts.org or call OCVTS Academy Admissions at 732-473-3100 ext. 3065.