LAKEWOOD – A Master Composter Training Program for Ocean County residents will be held on Saturdays, Oct. 27 and Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the county’s Recycling Education Center at the Ocean County Northern Recycling Center.
This program is offered by Ocean County’s Department of Solid Waste Management and the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
“We want to encourage our residents to sign up for this program,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Gerry P. Little, who is liaison to the county’s recycling program. “Attendees are provided with the tools to be master composters and the opportunity to teach others in their communities about the importance of composting.”
The course will be taught by Blain-Snow, an Ocean County Master Composter. Participants will learn hour to manage the organic waste they produce.
Volunteers in the program should be familiar with gardening and composting, and have experience with speaking to small groups. Each applicant is encouraged to be sponsored by a group or organization as this ensures the opportunity to establish an outreach network for the program.
“The Master Composter Program is a great way to learn about how to manage and reuse the organic waste that residents generate in their own homes,” Little said. “Master composters have been doing a great job in volunteering their time to help other Ocean County residents interested in composting.”
This 12-hour program is free for Ocean County residents. The cost is $75 for non-residents. Light refreshments and lunch will be provided.
There are only 20 spots, so sign up now! Registration deadline is October 5.
For more information and to register contact Sandra Blain-Snow, Recycling Program Aide, at 732-506-5047 or by email at Registration can also be completed online at