OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Retired Policemen and Firemen’s Association Local 8 is looking to bring together retired law enforcement officers, corrections officers, state troopers, prosecutors investigators and career firefighters within the Ocean County area.
The group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 12 p.m. at the Silverton Firehouse, 15 Kettle Creek Rd. in Toms River.
This group is a local chapter of the statewide organization that gets together to discuss pension and benefits related issues, share stories, and build a brotherhood.
If you’re interested in joining, yearly dues cost $20 in addition to a $5 charge for lunch at each meeting. You do not have to be retired from an Ocean County Department to join! Out of state retires are welcome as long as they meet the criteria.
If you are interested, download an application at njrpfa.org/local8/MEMBERSHIP_APPLICATION.
Organizers also host a yearly picnic and Christmas party, as well as the occasional guest speaker.