OCEAN COUNTY – Ocean County residents can find information about recycling in the 2018 Ocean County Recycling Directory. The directory is being distributed throughout the county now.
“This guide is extremely useful in helping us to hone our recycling skills,” Ocean County Freeholder Director Gerry P. Little, who serves as liaison to the county’s recycling program, said. “We are making certain the guide is easily accessible to all of our residents. You can pick it up at public offices, our libraries and it can be accessed from the county’s website.
“This information on recycling is a helpful tool that gives us all the ability to protect our environment,” he added.
Starting Oct. 13, residents can find those guides in The Manchester Times and The Jackson Times, published by Micromedia Publications. These local, weekly papers are available in high-traffic and convenient places such as grocery and convenience stores, doctors’ offices, small businesses, restaurants, and hotels.

Nearly 40,000 directories will be distributed in the 33 county municipalities, in town halls and recycling centers, and other locations.
“This guide helps to update the items that should be placed in one bin at the curb and those that shouldn’t be,” Little said. “Ocean County residents have done a great job recycling at home. This guide provides an important update to make certain we are properly recycling materials.
“Many people in their efforts to properly package recyclables for curbside pickup or disposal are placing the items in plastic bags which are causing extensive damage to the sorting equipment at our regional recycling centers,” Little said. “I encourage our residents and visitors to simply toss items that are recyclable into a receptacle or bin. With single stream recycling there is no longer a need to tie, bundle, bag or separate items.
“Plastic bags should be tossed out with the regular trash or returned to stores that accept them for recycling,” Little said. “I highly recommend residents get a copy of the recycling directory to help in their efforts to recycle.”
The directory offers information on paint management, household hazardous waste collection and document shredding programs. The directory also offers a full page on medication and medical waste drop offs.
The county will provide a total of 62,000 recycling directories, available in September and October.
“We encourage our residents to look for the free guide at the County Connection at the Ocean County Mall, at the Northern and Southern Ocean County Recycling Centers in Lakewood and Stafford townships, and all branches of the Ocean County Library,” Little said.
Those who would like a directory but are unable to find on can call the Ocean County Department of Solid Waste Management at 732-506-5047 or visit co.ocean.nj.us/OC/SolidWaste/.