OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Health Department is taking some time this upcoming week to recognize National Health Education Week. National Health Education Week is October 15 to 19 this year and the OCHD is using this time to emphasize the importance of health education for healthy lifestyles in our community.
“The recognition this year is focused on increasing awareness on major public health issues and promoting a better understanding of the role of health education,” said Daniel E. Regenye, Ocean County Health Department Public Health Coordinator. “Key public health topics include alcohol and drug education as we strive to deter addiction and abuse through our prevention efforts…Other topics in health education include chronic health conditions, communicable diseases, emergency preparedness, environmental health and maternal and child health.”
The OCHD also offers various Senior Health Education programs, including Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, Medication Management, Fall Prevention and Quality of Life Improvement and a Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE).
“The value of health education for our seniors is incalculable and remains vital as we enjoy having among the highest senior concentrations in the nation,” said Freeholder Vicari.
“Public health issues arise every day and may be simple or complex but we have an obligation to provide education to insure our community is able to take action to secure a healthy lifestyle,” stated Freeholder Director Gerry Little.
For more information, visit the Ocean County Health Department’s website at ochd.org or phu2.org.