TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office’s first Facebook page will be going dark, as Joseph Coronato is being replaced by Bradley Billhimer.
It was the first time the Ocean County Prosecutor had established a social media presence. It was a personal one set up by Coronato. A new one is set up for the incoming administration here: @ocprosecutor.
The page will be taken down at noon on Oct. 5, said Al Della Fave, press officer for the Prosecutor’s Office.

“It seems like only yesterday that Prosecutor Coronato and I discussed, with clearly unfounded reluctance, to jump into the still rarely explored world of social media for a law enforcement agency. As always to Coronato’s credit, he never shied away from a challenge. Closing things out with over 22,000 followers, shows once again the wisdom of his decisions,” Della Fave said.
In a previous article, Della Fave told Jersey Shore Online that the posts reach 100,000 users, and has done a lot of legwork in their ability to generate leads.

“Coronato and I have enjoyed our tenure, and appreciate having had the opportunity play such a fulfilling role in working to protect our community,” he said. “Thank you for the support, insights, and encouragement you have provided during our time at OCPO. We extend a special wish for future success to newly confirmed Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer and encourage you to continue to follow OCPO Facebook content at @ocprosecutor.”