The Ocean County Rutgers Master Gardener’s initiative to make our county residents more tick aware has been a huge success. In late April, early May, each township was sent a proclamation asking the mayor and town council to declare June 2018 as Tick Awareness Month.
During the month of May and June, over twenty-one of our thirty-three townships have adopted the proclamation. Thank you to all the council members supporting our efforts in helping our residents be tick aware. The Rutgers Master Gardeners will be around the county at events with tick safety information.
Tick Awareness Events Schedule
- June 9, 9:30-3:30 p.m. Master Gardeners’ Table at Bug Fest – Insectropolis – Toms River
- June 9, 10-4:00 p.m. Master Gardeners’ Table at Island Heights Garden Tour – Island Heights
- June 13, 7 p.m. Toms River Library Program on ticks
- June 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Master Gardeners’ Table at Recreation Celebration Day – Ocean Co. Park
- June 27, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Master Gardeners’ Table at Toms River Farmers Market
- June 29, 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Master Gardeners’ Table at Seaside Park Farmers Market
Free tick identification is available at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County at 1623 Whitesville Road in Toms River. If you find a tick, place the tick in a sealed baggie or container with a piece of moist towel. Staff and Master Gardeners are here Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. to identify ticks and answer other horticultural issues.
Once we identify the tick, we discuss with you information about that tick species, potential diseases it can carry, and symptoms for which to watch. As we are not medical personnel, you should seek medical advice on a course of action. Neither the RCE nor the Ocean County Health Department test ticks for disease.
We have a list of labs you can send the tick to be tested. However, testing will only show if that tick was carrying disease, not that transmission occurred.
For more information about our services, please call 732-349-1246 or visit our website at ocean.njaes.rutgers.edu/.