OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) has announced that the COVID-19 vaccination clinics are now being restricted to Ocean County residents.
The OCHD will honor any out-of-county residents who have scheduled an appointment for their second doses. Ocean County residents must show a valid ID for proof of residency when showing up to their appointment.
Residents must have an appointment scheduled at one of the OCHD vaccination sites in order to receive the vaccine. Anyone who does not have a scheduled appointment will be turned away. When making an appointment, the OCHD reminded residents that appointments are nontransferable. The person named on the appointment must be the person receiving the vaccine at that specific date/time. They ask residents not to send anyone else in your place as they will be turned away.
If you received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at one of the OCHD vaccination sites, you will receive an email within two weeks of receiving their first dose to receive the second dose. The email will include a direct link for you to schedule a second dose appointment.
Ocean County residents can visit ochd.org for available appointments. Appointments are still very limited due to a shortage of vaccine.