OCEAN COUNTY – With the Gubernatorial Primary Election quickly approaching, the Ocean County Clerk and the Board of Elections is helping to make voting even more convenient by offering “one-stop early voting” during special hours on Saturday, June 3.
“This is an opportunity for Primary election voters who will not be able to go to the polls on Tuesday, June 6, to obtain and cast their ballot in person at one easy convenient location,” said Ocean County Clerk Scott M. Colabella.
From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, June 3, staff from the County Clerk’s Office and the Board of Elections will assist primary voters in casting a ballot at the Board of Elections Office located in the basement of 129 Hooper Ave., here. Free parking is available in the Ocean County Parking Garage adjacent to the Board of Elections office.
“We are working with the Board of Elections in providing our citizens with every opportunity possible to cast a ballot in the June Primary,” Colabella said.
“We encourage the voters of Ocean County to access this service during these special hours,” said Freeholder John P. Kelly, who serves as liaison to the County Clerk.
The deadline for all applications for Vote by Mail Ballots for the Primary that are sent through the mail was May 30, in the County Clerk’s Office. After that date, registered voters in Ocean County must apply in person at the County Clerk’s Election Office to obtain a Vote by Mail Ballot for the Primary Election. Voters do not need a reason to use the Vote by Mail option in New Jersey.
The deadline for obtaining a Vote by Mail Ballot in person is 3 p.m., Monday, June 5. After 3 p.m. Monday, voters must obtain a court order from a Judge allowing them to apply for a Vote by Mail Ballot. The County Clerk’s Election Office is located in the Ocean County Courthouse, Room 107, 118 Washington St., here.
As of May 30, the County Clerk’s Election Office issued a total of 6,587 Vote by Mail Ballots for the upcoming June 6 Primary Election. Of the ballots issued, 3,680 have been issued to registered Republicans; 2,026 ballots have been issued to registered Democrats and 881 ballots have been issued to unaffiliated voters. There are 126,114 registered Republican voters in Ocean County, in addition to 82,602 registered Democrats, and 185,513 unaffiliated or undeclared voters.
All voters who wish to apply in person for a Vote by Mail Ballot need to sign their name as it appears in the voter registry book. For additional information on obtaining a Vote by Mail Ballot individuals may contact the County Clerk’s Election Office at 732-929-2153.
A total of 394,229 sample ballots have been mailed in Ocean County providing registered voters with a copy of the official ballot that will appear on voting machines June 6 as well as the polling place location for the 413 County election districts.
Colabella added that a copy of the official sample ballot and polling location addresses for all 33 municipalities are also available at oceancountyclerk.com, the County Clerk’s web site or voters can visit facebook.com/oceancountyclerk the County Clerk’s Facebook page.