OCEAN COUNTY – From childhood, Jersey Shore native, Gregory Andrus has revered the guardians of the sea. In the summer of 2021, he decided to create a book to honor these warriors, the lifeguards of the Jersey shore. Over 50 lifeguards from more than 20 beaches in Ocean and Monmouth Counties were photographed and interviewed for his seminal new book: Sand, Sea & Rescue: Lifeguards of the Jersey Shore.
“New Jersey has many treasures, but none as storied, visited, or misunderstood as the Jersey Shore. This book is a love letter to the people whose hearts belong to the Jersey Shore,” said Andrus. “I’m honored to be the person sharing their stories.”
Having interviewed thousands of strangers over the last six years to hear their unique stories, Gregory Andrus is convinced that we can find peace, wellness, hope and healing through the ancient communication of sharing stories.
In his second book, Sand, Sea & Rescue: Lifeguards of the Jersey Shore, Andrus honors the more than 50 lifeguards from over 20 beach patrols in Ocean and Monmouth Counties. This book new release features over 120 pages of interviews, portraits, and audio recordings highlight the dedication, courage, and passion that is the calling of the first responders of the beach: the Lifeguard.

Gregory Andrus is also a highly sought-after public speaker who provides relief and hope with his message of compassion and human dignity. Sharing his own inspirational story of overcoming alcoholism, homelessness and being shot in the head, Andrus leads people to see their own self-worth, as well as the worth of others. By retelling the riveting stories of the people he has interviewed for over half a decade, Andrus will share how he became convinced that compassion is what can bring healing and promote well-being in individuals, communities and eventually societies.
Sand, Sea & Rescue: Lifeguards of the Jersey Shore is available on potjs.com in paperback on June 1, 2022. Visit us on Facebook.com/portraitsofthejerseyshoreto join our community of more than 31k friends of the Jersey shore.
Visit https://potjs.com to learn more about Gregory Andrus, his new book, and his devotion to the Jersey Shore and its people.
Read more about Gregory Andrus in this Jersey Shore Online article by Stephanie A. Faughnan.