SEASIDE HEIGHTS – Her hat isn’t very pointy and she uses a red wagon instead of a broomstick but make no mistake, Haley Blossom is the borough’s resident Sea Witch and her power is used for good.
She is becoming a familiar fixture around the borough and Toms River area having recently peddled her wares of charms and jewelry during this year’s Polar Bear Plunge held late last month and more recently at the Ocean County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.
The Toms River Times caught up to the Sea Witch during both events where she was traversing the sidewalks of the community with her many items.
“I’m a self-proclaimed local Sea Witch. I honestly love being a character and it makes people smile. I’m a local artist. I work for myself and at a health food store on Route 37,” she said.
Her card says “Gem Stoned Spiritual Supplies” and she began her artistic endeavors in 2018. “I try to be as local as possible. Today was the first time I decided to just go out on a whim and see what happens,” she said with a chuckle during the Polar Bear Plunge.
“I think when you go and put a good energy out there. It comes back to you and even this morning I was going to go out and vend out on the boardwalk but it fell through but a lady messaged me oh drop off some necklaces so I went and dropped them off and her house is right next to where everybody is doing registration and that was a perfect spot,” she added.

Blossom’s merchandise includes “crystal necklaces, polar bear charms just for the Polar Bear plunge and some evil eye necklaces that cleanse the energy from negativity. There is a lot of good vibes today,” she said during that event.
“I’m 31 years young and I got interested in art when it became the only subject in school where I actually knew what was going on. I started creating again as an adult in 2018 when I did a flea market full time after leaving waitressing. I was trash picking and selling at Columbus Flea Market. One day I bought a gallon sized Ziplock bag full of quartz crystal from another vendor and made wire wrapped jewelry with them,” she said.
She added, “once I saw the response at the flea market over my $5 quartz necklaces, I couldn’t believe the positive energy and interesting people they attracted. I was hooked on the good vibes. After that I mostly sold spiritual items, crystals, and wire wrapped jewelry.”
“I truly enjoy the beautiful people I meet through making my life into a living work of art. My whole family is involved in Gem Stoned Spiritual Supplies. My 12-year-old makes spell jar necklaces, my 9-year-old walks around selling Grateful Dead stickers at events, and even the baby loves to ‘help’ her father Francis and I at markets,” she added.
“I walked around parade day with the baby in the wagon, my sign, and famous Good Luck Charm necklaces and made more connections with the locals. That’s the point of all this, bringing people together through the power of crystal healing,” the Sea Witch said.

Blossom said, “I teach crystal workshops, do monthly local scavenger hunts, run crystal, clothing, book swaps, psychic nights, workshops and starting in April on Fridays I’ll be at This is Yoga in Seaside Park.”
Blossom will also be mixing yoga with crystal healing this spring. I am working on a huge vendor event in Whiting called The Hippie Witch Vendor Event which will be held from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on May 19 at 108 Lacey Road.
She emphasized, “the point of doing all this is to bring people together and show my children that they can live a life of liberation through their own creations, and be whoever they dream to be. I sell and post all the fun things I offer on my Instagram – Granolablossom.”