OCEAN COUNTY – In just 10 days, 88,000 people cast more than 2 million votes in support of their favorite causes. As a result, 100 communities, in 34 states, including Meals on Wheels of Ocean County, is getting an assist from State Farm®. The 100 winners are each receiving $25,000 grants to support local community causes.
Meals on Wheels provides 260,000 nutritious meals to frail and homebound seniors, throughout Ocean County, each year.
“Meals on Wheels of Ocean County gained enough votes from the community to finish as one of 100 grant winners from across the country and was one of just six grant winners in New Jersey,” says State Farm Corporate Responsibility Analyst Jennifer Young. “Clearly, Ocean County residents are committed to supporting their older neighbors in need.”
This past February, State Farm accepted 4,000 applications for worthy causes, from throughout the country, that focus on supporting communities in need. The 4,000 applications were reviewed and narrowed down to the top 200. The top 200 finalists were then posted online for the public to vote on throughout 10 days. Thanks to strong community support, Meals on Wheels of Ocean County is one of the winners and one of two winners based in Ocean County. Local organization, David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation, also won a Neighborhood Assist grant this year.
In the eleven years of the program, nearly 500 causes have received a total of $12.5 million to enact change in their communities. The $25,000 State Farm grant to Meals on Wheels will support the Pick Up the Tab Program (PUTT).
“This funding will help us decrease our waitlist, purchase new heating and refrigeration delivery vehicles and hire more drivers to deliver the over 800 meals we currently serve each day,” says Meals on Wheels of Ocean County Executive Director James Sigurdson. “The Pick Up The Tab (PUTT) program is a critical lifeline toward health and independence. We serve more than 1,600 Ocean County seniors and are extremely grateful for this State Farm grant.”
The check was presented to Meals on Wheels by local State Farm agents Lisa Patchell and Carinne Leisey-Gulati. The presentation took place during their Community Cafe’s First Annual Senior Prom.
For a complete list of this year’s 100 winners, please visit: neighborhoodassist.com.