OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County WIC Program wants its clients to “Go Further With Food” in honor of National Nutrition Month in March.
The County Connection, located by the JC Penney in Ocean County Mall, will have information all month on the WIC program and healthy eating.
“Put Your Best Fork Forward,” a program designed to showcase the benefits of breastfeeding and participation in WIC, will happen 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 19 and 21.
“WIC allows for the provision of vital services within Ocean County to the residents most in need of our attention, compassion, and guidance. It is our hope that as many eligible people as possible avail themselves of WIC as nothing is of greater importance than the health of mothers and children in Ocean County,” freeholder Director Gerry P. Little, liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health, said.
WIC—Women, Infants and Children—helps low-income pregnant and postpartum women, and children ages birth-5, helps participants get supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education, and screening for referrals to other county and state services.
“Feeding a family a healthy meal on a budget can be challenging but there are solutions. Our nutrition experts will be available during this two-day event to educate and offer guidance to get you on the path to a healthier diet and lifestyle,” Meg McCarthy-Klein, OCHD Nutrition Program Coordinator said.
For more information, call 732-341-9700 or visit ochd.org.