OCEAN COUNTY – Megan Trapanese, Brick, the director of marketing and admissions at Alcoeur Gardens, with locations in Toms River and Brick, will discuss, “The Residential Alzheimer and Dementia Care Community,” at the Lunch a Little, Learn a Lot business meeting, noon to 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at Charlie Brown’s Restaurant, 400 Route 70 West, Lakewood, N.J. The cost is $15 and includes Charlie Brown’s salad bar, a lunch entrée, a beverage, and an educational presentation. Walk-ins welcome.
Trapanese, will be giving an overview of the services offered at Alcoeur Gardens, the importance of a stimulating environment, and a description of activities available for residents staying in a home-like setting.
As director of marketing and admissions, Trapanese markets Alcoeur Gardens, facilitates the admission of new residents, and maintains a census. Before joining Alcoeur Gardens, Trapanese worked at AIG in Neptune, managing special projects, and rewriting insurance contracts and policies based on any new state regulations.
Trapanese earned a B.A. in communications from Stockton University, Galloway Township, N.J. She is a member of Ocean County Caregiver Coalition and the Ocean Regional Ethics Committee (OREC). For more information, call Megan Trapanese at 732-290-2273 or marketer1@alcoeurgardens.com. Visit Alcoeur at www.alcoeurgardens.com.