Local Educators Recognized By New Jersey

Three Ardena Elementary school teachers were recognized for this prestigious recognition. (Photo courtesy of Howell Township Public Schools)

  HOWELL – Fifteen township school district educators were recently recognized as part of the annual New Jersey exemplary educators of the year program.

  The 15 teachers all taught grade levels from preschool to fifth grade and were nominated by the Howell Township school system administration.

  From the nomination process, the New Jersey Department of Education selects from the nominees who they believe deserve the award.

  “Each year, the New Jersey Department of Education invites public school districts (including charter schools) to participate in the Exemplary Educator Recognition Program. The goal of this program is to identify outstanding educators for special recognition, alternating between elementary (Pre-K to 5) and secondary (6–12) every year,” the New Jersey Department of Education website noted.

  A state certificate of recognition is given out to each candidate that is selected as an Exemplary Educator. The 2024 award was presented to elementary teachers, and with eight elementary schools and two preschools in Howell township, there were a lot of possible nominations.

  Of the 10 schools, winners were awarded from Adelphia School, Ardena School, Memorial School, Ramtown School, Griebling School, Land O’Pines, Taunton School and Newbury School.

Memorial Elementary was one of the ten Howell district schools with teachers who received this recognition. (Photo courtesy of Howell Township Public Schools)

  “Each year the Department of Education for the state of New Jersey awards a number of exemplary educator recognitions and I am really proud to stand here tonight and tell you 15 staff members in our elementary schools were recognized statewide as exemplary educators of the year,” said Joseph Isola, the superintendent of Howell Township School District.

  The 15 winning teachers are as follows:

1.         Jain Miller of Adelphia Early Learning Center (now teaches at Memorial Elementary)

2.         Melinda Muller of Aldrich Elementary

3.         Nicole Peine of Ardena Elementary

4.         Erin Beelitz of Ardena Elementary (now teaches at Griebling Elementary)

5.         Allison Weigle of Ardena Elementary*

6.         Brandi Cole of Adelphia Early Learning Center

7.         Samantha Murillo of Memorial Elementary

8.         Jessica Ecklof of Memorial Elementary (now teaches at Ramtown Elementary)

9.         Mary Jo Smith of Memorial Elementary

10.       Lauren Barron of Ramtown Elementary

11.       Amanda Haskell of Ramtown Elementary

12.       Samantha Vigna of Tauton Elementary

13.       Daniel Charette of Griebling School (now teaches at Ramtown Elementary)   

14.       Sherri DeCurso of Land O’Pines Elementary (now retired)

15.       Theresa Sandal of Newbury Early Learning Center (now retired)

  Each teacher was presented their award by their serving principal at the time of the 2024 school year, who also gave heartfelt speeches about each of the award’s recipients. The awards were given at the latest board of education meeting, and the ceremony lasted over 45 minutes.

  At the meeting, the seating made available to the public was almost entirely occupied.

  “There were only 160 of these awards given to the entire state and we are really proud that 15 of them are serving our kids and doing the good work on behalf of Howell Township,” Isola said.

  Of the 15 educators, many serve as teachers, but there are also coaches and a guidance counselor recognized.

  “Thank you to the members of the board of education for celebrating so many shining stars in Howell Township,” said Kathleen Mignoli when she awarded her Ardena School teachers.