TOMS RIVER – Ocean County Meals on Wheels subscribers who are unable to visit their nearest Ocean County Library branches are now eligible to receive “Books by Mail.”
The Ocean County Office of Senior Services, Meals on Wheels and the Library are community partners in the free program, which will be conducted through the U.S. Postal Service.
“We’re proud to enhance the vital service that Meals on Wheels provides,” said Ocean County Library Director Susan Quinn. “It’s nourishment for the mind and body.”
Meals on Wheels of Ocean County Executive Director James Sigurdson added, “This partnership will help us enrich the quality of life for every participant.”
Meals on Wheels recipients are automatically eligible for “Books by Mail” and require no additional medical authorization by the library.
Applicants who indicate their genre, format and author preferences will begin receiving items about two weeks after their forms are processed. Regularly-scheduled mailings continue after items are returned.
Parcels will typically contain up to two or three items at a time in specially-marked, pre-paid, returnable blue messenger bags.
To learn more about the library’s outreach, visit theoceancountylibrary.org.