OCEAN COUNTY – County residents have four more opportunities this year to get rid of their residential household hazardous waste through a free disposal program.
The program is open to all Ocean County residents, but businesses and institutions are not eligible.
The following collection dates are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- July 24 – Jackson Township Public Works, 95 West Veterans Highway
- Aug. 21 – Lacey Township Public Works, 820 Municipal Lane
- Sept. 11 – Brick Township Public Works, 836 Ridge Road
- Oct. 30 – Long Beach Township, 7910 Long Beach Blvd.
“This program has helped our residents safely dispose of hazardous materials for over 30 years,” Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners Gary Quinn said. Quinn serves as liaison to the Ocean County Department of Solid Waste Management. During the first three events in 2021, Ocean County collected around 114,000 pounds of household hazardous waste.
Quinn said, “we take great pride in our environment in Ocean County and this helps reduce the potential for environmental damage. I encourage residents to take advantage of these opportunities to help get rid of household hazardous waste safely.”
The items that can be dropped off include: aerosols, auto products, cleaning products, chemicals/pool chemicals, fire extinguishers, waste oil and gasoline, herbicides/pesticides, mercury-containing devices, paint thinners, polyurethanes/polishes, propane/tanks and stains/varnishes.
Among the items not accepted are: asbestos, batteries, construction debris, electronics, explosives (including boat flares), infectious waste (“red bag” waste), motor oil, medications, needles/syringes, oxygen tanks, paint and paint cans, radioactive materials, smoke detectors and unknown/unidentifiable chemicals.
All materials, with the exception of oil and gasoline, should be in the original containers. A limit of 200 pounds of dry materials and 20 gallons of liquid material is allowed per household. No containers larger than five gallons are accepted.
Municipal recycling centers and the county’s recycling centers permit year-round drop off of a host of materials including used paint and waste oil.
Residents can use the drop offs located at the Ocean County Northern Recycling Center in Lakewood, or the Southern Recycling Center based in Manahawkin from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Appointments are required, and registration can be done online at co.ocean.nj.us/recycle, by requesting assistance by emailing ocrecycles@co.ocean.nj.us, or residents can also call 732-506-5047 to register. Proof of residency is also required. For information, visit co.ocean.nj.us/OC/SolidWaste/