OCEAN COUNTY – Anyone could have COVID-19 and not even know it.
It is recommended that residents find out if they have the coronavirus at any of the 250 testing sites across the state.
It’s quick and easy and insurance is not necessary for the free testing. Anyone who wants a test, can now get one.
Those interested can locate a testing site near them to get tested, and find key information about New Jersey’s testing program and related resources by visiting covid19.nj.gov/pages/testing#test-sites
Residents in Ocean County have the option of getting tested at the COVID-19 drive thru testing site located at Ocean County College. Visit the Ocean County Health Department website at ochd.org for clinic dates and times and to schedule an appointment or call 732-341-9700 ext.77411.
It’s especially important to get tested if:
1. You are experiencing symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, sore throat, muscle pain, shivering, headache, or new loss of taste or smell)
2.You have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19
3.You are an essential worker (health care worker, first responder, food service worker, or transit worker)
4.You were recently in a large crowd where social distancing was hard to maintain
5.You recently travelled to an area or a state with high COVID-19 infection rates
For more information regarding COVID-19 testing information and guidelines visit the OCHD website at ochd.org. The OCHD is also providing a general COVID-19 Information Call Hot Line for residents and clinicians to answer questions regarding the coronavirus. The number is 732-341-9700 ext. 7411.
The NJDOH (NJPIES) hotline is available for questions 24 hours a day at 1-800-222-1222 or by dialing 2-1-1.
Related sources for medical COVID-19 questions include calling 1-800-962-1253 (24/7) or text NJCOVID to 898-211 to receive alerts.