POINT PLEASANT – Her town is rallying around her to help her recover.
The Point Pleasant Chamber of Commerce is hosting its “Point Pleasant Give Back Day” Aug. 25 to raise money for 14-year-old Emma-Mae, who was seriously injured when a vehicle struck her Aug. 9. She’s been at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune since.
Businesses displaying black and gold balloons will be offering a percentage of their sales to donate to Emma’s “successful recovery.”
Jersey Shore Online reached out to the chamber to ask how that money would be donated, and how many businesses signed on as of now to participate. That call was not immediately returned.
The GoFundMe page, started by Kristen Cutrona of Toms River, raising money for her medical expenses was scrubbed of details of her recovery recently, with the only update saying her family thanks “everyone who has donated, shared and prayed. It is so greatly appreciated. Please keep sharing and keep praying!”
At this time, $24,981 from 458 people has been raised in six days.
Emma’s mother asked in an Aug. 13 social media post that people respect their privacy at this time.