SOUTH TOMS RIVER – Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey (CVCJ) is holding an interactive discussion on the topic of exploring senior and family needs on Saturday, May 27 at 11:30 a.m. at the Municipal Complex, 19 Double Trouble Road.
The discussion will offer solutions to the homebound elderly that will allow them to remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible, including round trip transportation, grocery shopping, friendly visits, phone calls and Caregiver Canines pet visitation. The organization also assists with Alzheimer’s Respite Care, Caregiver Kids and Multicultural Outreach.
Caregivers Volunteers of Central Jersey is a non-profit, interfaith organization that provides supportive services to the frail elderly, veterans and the homebound, enabling them to live independently and with dignity in their own homes. CVCJ provide services to 23 municipalities in Ocean County.
The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit caregivervolunteers.org.