Ninth District State Senator Chris Connors recently announced he will not seek re-election later this year. By this announcement, he is ending 33 years of exceptional public service in the state legislature, first as an assemblyman, and then later securing the senate seat formerly held by his late father and mentor, Leonard T. Connors.
As a consequence of our media presence in Ocean County for nearly 28 years, it has been my honor and privilege to have known both senators Len and Chris Connors, and to follow their deep commitment to constituent service, as well as the broader needs of the state, through the years. In fact, in his capacity as mayor of Surf City, Senator Len Connors was gracious enough to perform a wedding ceremony for my niece and former business partner Robyn many years ago.

In another trip down memory lane, shortly after we began our publishing business, we received a visit from former Ninth District chief of staff Gerry Little, who dropped by to hand-deliver a news release, explaining that the district office did not as yet have a fax machine for that purpose! Some years after that, Gerry was elected to the Ocean County Board of Freeholders (now Commissioners).
In closing, I would like to say that I am very grateful to have personally known Senator Chris Connors as well as his father, both of whom embodied all that is good and decent in public service. For more on some of the contributions made by Senator Connors, visit our web page news story at jerseyshoreonline.com.
Stew Swann
Micromedia Publications, Inc.