NEW JERSEY – Todd Thiede, Hoboken, the CFO of Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services (PHHC), with headquarters in Eatontown, has been named Humanitarian of the Year by the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation (ECF). He will be honored at the 18th annual ECF Crystal Gala Masquerade Ball, presented by PHHC, Saturday, February 24, 2018, from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. at Eagle Oaks Golf & Country Club, 20 Shore Oaks Drive, Farmingdale, N.J.
Prior to joining PHHC, Thiede was vice president of financial planning and analysis for five years at Goldman Sachs Inc., New York City. Thiede was the architect behind Preferred’s largest acquisition, the Massachusetts-based Acelleron Medical Products that expanded the company’s reach into New England and broadened its product line to include such durable medical equipment as pediatric nebulizers and breast pumps.
Thiede holds a B.S. in accounting from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He is a member of the board of directors for Circle of Life, an organization that provides support for families, and palliative and end-of-life care for children with life-limiting illnesses. He is a member of the board of directors of Home Care Association & Hospice Association of N.J., a statewide organization that educates and advocates for home care providers, and the patients and families they serve throughout New Jersey.
Thiede was named one of New Jersey’s 2015 “Forty under 40” award winners by NJBiz, a New Jersey business news publication, and CFO of the Year in 2017 by Corporate Vision Magazine, a division of AI Global Media, a publishing house with global readership in more than 170 countries and close to two million subscribers of its magazines, websites and multimedia content.
For more information about Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, contact Lisa Gallicchio, director of community relations, at lisa@preferredcares.com or call 732-547-9886 or visit PreferredCares.com.
Tickets to the ECF Crystal Gala Masquerade Ball cost $150 each and include an evening of casino, an open bar; dinner, silent and gift auctions; dancing; prizes; and more. Black tie and masks are optional. Ads and sponsorships, ranging from $50 to $20,000, are now available. Proceeds benefit hundreds of families facing pediatric cancer. For sponsorship opportunities, call Rosemarie Contreras at 732-282-2324 or rcontreras@emmanuelcancer.org.