NEW JERSEY – Join Ocean Health Initiatives, Inc. as they host their annual Valentine’s Day Fundraiser and Casino Night on Feb. 9 from 7-11 p.m. Be a part of these celebrations to kick off OHI’s 15th anniversary at Eagle Oaks Golf and Country Club in Farmingdale.
Casino Night will be diamond themed and all of the proceeds will go towards supporting health care services for adults, seniors, and children throughout Ocean and Monmouth counties. There will be dinner, dancing, and a silent auction.
You also have the opportunity to take part in sponsorships, donations, journal ads, and premium ticket packages that are all 100 percent tax deductible.
Tickets are $200.
OHI has been servicing our communities with quality medical care for 15 years. Purchase a sponsorship or donate an auction item at this fundraising event to help support OHI and the wonderful work they do, providing primary and preventative quality care to those who need it most.
Proceeds will help purchase better medical equipment, community outreach, educational materials, vaccinations, health awareness and more.
To become a sponsor, visit ohinj.org/fundraiser/. For more information, tickets or sponsorship information, contact Douglas Clark, marketing manager, at 732-719-9026. The deadline for sponsorships and ad journal proofs is Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018. Send all ad files to fundraiser@ohinj.org.