FREEHOLD – Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon is reminding residents that early voting is possible in Monmouth County.
Voting by mail is an available option for all registered voters.
“Any registered voter can vote by mail for any reason,” said Hanlon. “There is no reason to forget, get too busy or have to deal with inclement weather. And most importantly, every valid vote cast by mail will be included in the election results. Residents do not have to worry that their vote will not be counted.”
Vote by mail ballots will be ready for distribution to voters as of September 23.
In order to vote by mail, voters must first complete a Vote by Mail application. This application can be obtained from the County Clerk’s elections webpage at MonmouthCountyVotes.com, or by visiting the County Clerk’s Elections Office or Municipal Clerk of their hometown.
Applications to Vote by Mail that are sent by U.S. Mail must be received by the County Clerk’s Elections Office seven days before an election. For the November 7 general election, the date is Tuesday, October 31.
Voters may also apply in person at the County Clerk’s Elections Office located at 300 Halls Mill Road in Freehold up until 3 p.m. the day before the election.
Simple instructions for completing and returning vote by mail ballots are included in the ballot package.
“The right to vote is the foundation of our freedom that has been hard-fought for, by our military veterans and citizens throughout our history,” said Hanlon. “In Monmouth County, we want to make sure that all of our citizens have the ability to vote, even if they are unable to go to the polls on Election Day.”
Voters with additional questions about Voting by Mail should call the County Clerk’s Election Division at 732-431-7790 or email ClerkofElections@co.monmouth.nj.us.