MONMOUTH COUNTY – The Monmouth County SPCA is asking for the community’s help to raise funds for a small puppy’s much needed surgery.
Boots, a tiny puppy, was the runt of his litter. He suffers from a congenital defect where blood vessels wrap around his esophagus causing dilation, difficulty swallowing and can lead to aspiration pneumonia. He needs a special surgery called a thoracotomy, as soon as possible, in order to live.
The Monmouth County SPCA staff has to feed Boots a special, wet mixture of puppy milk replacement and soft food in an upright position. Then he must stay in the same position for 20 minutes for him to properly digest his food.

“Other than his condition, Boots is the most loving and affectionate puppy. He happily sits upright in his baby carrier and takes in all of the sights and sounds without a care in the world,” the Monmouth County SPCA said.
If you would like to help Boots get his lifesaving surgery, you can donate by visiting: monmouthcountyspca.org/boots-surgery-support.