FREEHOLD – The 26th annual Sheriff Youth Week Program graduated 106 participants following its July 9-13 run. Sheriff Shaun Golden handed out certificates on graduation day.
The Sheriff Youth Week Program provides high school aged students with an opportunity to explore interests in law enforcement through police academy-style training, exercise activities and instructional sessions.
“I’m so proud of the entire Sheriff Youth Week class for staying the course and commend them for completing this intensive week of law enforcement training,” said Sheriff Golden. “The program provides the graduates with an opportunity to explore the realm of possibilities of a career in public safety. As a result, many will become our future leaders in law enforcement.”
Sheriff Golden began the week by speaking to the recruits about energy, enthusiasm and education. Each day of camp began with drill and ended with exercise.
Throughout the week, participants got to learn about different aspects of law enforcement through presentations and interactive sessions with the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement, Communications and Corrections Divisions, the Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT), and the Monmouth County Emergency Response Team, MOCERT.
Recruits also spent a day at the Situational Training and Response Simulator, STARS, facility where they learned about the VirTra Simulator. This is a decision making and tactical firearms virtual threat simulator, equipped with five large screens and shows real life types of scenarios.
Recruits also saw K-9, Project Lifesaver, drone, dive team and motor vehicle stop demonstrations, and presentations on gang and drug awareness, internet safety, bicycle patrol, media relations, women in law enforcement and health and fitness.
Students responded well to the program, stating that they learned a lot.
“The program has been very interesting and challenging. It’s has made me respect police officers and all the work they put in to protecting the public,” said Michael Delaura, Wall Township.
“Sheriff Youth Week has taught me a lot. It helped me focus on how to lead, have courage and be up for a challenge. I also made a lot of friends and thank everyone who helped me out,” said Emily Regan, Howell Township.
Also honored at the graduation ceremony were:
- Deputy Sheriff William Wingard and the late Mrs. Wingard of New Jersey Gravel & Sand in Wall Township, sponsors of Sheriff Youth Week since 1992
- Francesca Dee, Sheriff Youth Week Graduate and volunteer
- Kayla Fenton, the first graduate to attend four years of Sheriff Youth Week and become a Class 1 Special Law Enforcement.