MONMOUTH COUNTY – A Union Beach man allegedly created a fake identity online and lured an underaged person to send explicit photos to him and eventually move in with him.
Herman Christopher Jensen, 67, of Union Beach was charged with one count of knowingly receiving child pornography. He was arrested on May 6 and appeared by teleconference before U.S. Magistrate Judge Joseph A. Dickson. Jensen was released on a $100,000 unsecured bond. A representative from the U.S. Attorney’s Office stated this is the only federal charge against the defendant.
Police said that Jensen created a fake Facebook account pretending to be a 17-year-old named “Kevin Bennett.” He struck up a relationship with a minor online. Although they hadn’t met yet, the man caused the victim to believe they were in a romantic relationship.
Over time, Jensen convinced the underaged victim to send pictures and videos of an explicit nature in 2018. In August of 2018, he told the victim that he was really an adult named “Chris Jensen” and their online relationship continued. In December of 2018, police said the victim traveled to New Jersey to live with him and they began to have a sexual relationship. Police became involved and the minor was removed from the residence.
The charge of knowingly receiving child pornography carries a minimum sentence of five years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, and a statutory maximum fine equal to $250,000 or twice the gross pecuniary gain or loss, whichever is greater.
U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito credited special agents and task force officers of the FBI and its Red Bank Resident Agency Jersey Shore Gang and Criminal Organization Task Force, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Gregory W. Ehrie, with the investigation leading to the charges. He also thanked the Union Beach, New Jersey, Police Department, under the direction of Chief of Police Michael J. Woodrow, for assistance in the investigation.
The charge and allegations in the complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.