Plane Leaves Runway During Landing

Photo courtesy Glendola Fire Company

  WALL – There were no injuries reported when a private plane went off the end of the runway during a late-night landing.

  Wall Police said that the plane was coming in to Monmouth Executive Airport on Route 34 just after midnight this morning. The plane landed on the runway, but went off the end of it, onto a downward-sloping hill.

  There were two pilots and three passengers on board. Police said they were able to leave the plane safely and no injuries were reported.

  The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the incident.

Photo courtesy Glendola Fire Company

  It is unknown how much damage was done to the plane.

  The Wall Township Emergency Medical Services, FAA, Glendola Fire Department and Monmouth County Hazardous Materials Unit all responded to the scene to assist.