HOWELL – Monmouth County will once again offer employers and jobseekers the opportunity to connect at the Monmouth County Spring Job Fair scheduled for April 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brookdale Community College.
“The Spring Job Fair is a free event, for both employers and jobseekers, that gives employers the opportunity to connect with potential candidates,” said Freeholder Pat Impreveduto, liaison to the Monmouth County Division of Workforce Development. “We are searching for employers from all businesses and fields that are offering positions.”
The County’s Spring Job Fair is open to all and guaranteed to be one of the biggest job fairs in the area with up to 1,000 jobseekers and more than 145 employers in attendance. This event is a convenient way for employers to meet candidates with all skill levels and experience.
Employers interested in requesting registration for this event should go to: conta.cc/3a6u9Gf
Registration for employers will close March 18.