FREEHOLD – Join the Monmouth County Health Department for a ribbon cutting ceremony on Jan. 24, 11 a.m., marking the department’s move to a new location at 50 East Main Street in downtown Freehold.
“This move is part of the County’s ongoing efforts to consolidate County operations and get County offices out of leased buildings,” said Freeholder Patrick Impreveduto, liaison to the Monmouth County Health Department.
The move will help make county services convenient for residents, according to Impreveduto. The downtown location will allow for easier access to health department services for those who travel by foot or by public transportation.
Funded by local dollars and grants from the New Jersey Department of Health, the health department’s programs provide services for: emergency preparedness, case management of children with elevated blood lead levels, immunization outreach, sexually transmitted disease diagnostic and treatment services, childhood lead poisoning prevention outreach and education, and Medical Reserve Corps recruitment and training.
“I encourage anyone who has a question about services, programs, or is planning to come to the Health Department, to call the office at 732-431-7456,” said Christopher Merkel, Public Health Coordinator and Health Officer. “There will be no disruption to the phones and the Health Department staff will be able to assist residents with their questions or concerns.”
For more information, call the Monmouth County Health Department at 732-431-7456, or visit visitmonmouth.com/health.