LONG BRANCH – Aside from the emotional stress cancer and its treatments can cause, many women with breast cancer also have to cope with changes to their body’s appearance. Changes can be short or long term, ranging from hair loss to the loss of a breast to changes in hormones that affect libido and can cause women to become less comfortable with their bodies.
The Cancer Support Community at Monmouth Medical Center will address these concerns with “Woman to Woman: Cancer & Sexuality,” a workshop for women to explore the changes their bodies are experiencing, on March 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Monmouth Medical Center in Suite ST-007, 300 Second Avenue.
The workshop is designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for a candid discussion on how cancer treatments can impact sexual interest and response, function and energy levels. Women will have the opportunity to ask questions, learn more about their changing bodies and receive emotional support from others.
The workshop will be led by Anita Pfisterer, LCSW, who has led numerous support groups and has experience addressing cancer and sexuality. Pfisterer will offer tips on how to combat vaginal dryness, intimacy issues and more.
Registration for “Woman to Woman: Cancer & Sexuality” is required. Please call the Cancer Support Community at 732-923-6090 to register.