Veterans Shown Appreciation During Two Special Events

Two Manchester veterans sit side by side observing the 19th Annual Veterans Recognition program held at the Manchester Township High School auditorium. (Photo courtesy Manchester Schools)

  MANCHESTER – Veterans in the township didn’t have to wait for Veterans’ Day to be honored for their service. There were two special events that provided an opportunity to express the public’s gratitude.

  The first event involved veterans, parents, students and school staff who once again assembled to honor those who served the nation in the armed forces during the 19th Annual Veterans Recognition Day program.

  The community event was held at the township high school auditorium. Veterans from the community were invited.

  Members of the school’s ROTC program were present and the program also involved a presentation of colors, keynote speeches, an Armed Forces musical arrangement, and refreshments as veterans were recognized for their service past and present.

  The program provided the opportunity for students and veterans from the community to interact and learn more about the veterans’ time in service, the wars they fought in and their experiences as well as a chance for the public to pay tribute to those who served the United States in the armed forces.

Veterans and students take to the stage for the 19th Annual Veterans Recognition program. (Photo courtesy Manchester Schools)

  A few days later, the Crestwood Village Clubhouse in Whiting served as the setting for a special concert by the Pinelands Symphonic Band led by conductor Jack Milkovitz. Whiting resident and mayor’s confidential aide Judy Noonan said this marked the first time for this special concert coordinated by the Crestwood Village Residents Club.

  Club President Kathy Casper said that donations to the veterans’ support group Vetworks, located in the Forked River section of Lacey Township were being collected during the day. There were also two Missing Man tables positioned at the front of the clubhouse auditorium, symbolizing the emptiness left behind when a soldier doesn’t make it home.

  Milkovitz, of Bayville said the band formed 15 years ago. “We perform at a lot of different venues around here. We also play at The Pines but this is our first time performing here. We used to be called the Crestwood Symphonettes but 15 years ago we worked into the Pinelands Symphonic Band.”

Pinelands Symphonic Band Conductor Jack Milkovitz leads the band with a variety of music ranging from patriotic standards, to Dixieland to musicals during a special program held at Crestwood Village VI in tribute to Veterans. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  “I became the conductor. I did conduct the Crestwood Chorus for about 12 years so I’m familiar with this area. We have about 45 members playing in the band. We have a lot of musicians and in order to play here, you obviously have to know how to read music and the level of music I try to maintain can be a bit difficult,” the conductor added.

Missing Man tables positioned at the front of the clubhouse auditorium symbolized the emptiness left behind when a soldier doesn’t make it home. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  The concert began with a composition called “Winds of Change” and later Milkovitz’s personal favorite was performed, “The Jitterbug.” There was a familiar Dixieland theme playing and a medley of songs from the popular play and film of the musical “Chicago.”

  During the afternoon Milkovitz also provided some history on the musical pieces presented and their composers. The concert featured military ballads of each branch of the military and closed with “Stars & Stripes Forever.”