Update Given On Manchester Cell Tower

A cell phone tower located at 652 Route 530 in Manchester Township will soon accommodate four carriers for cell phone service. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  MANCHESTER – Business Administrator Brandon Umba updated the Township Council on the progress of the Whiting cell tower at a recent meeting.

  “Verizon did install equipment at the end of January. I am still waiting for a go-live date from them. We should have something by the next meeting. I do understand the need for expediency,” he said.

  He noted that the owner of the tower was only offering the township half of what the township was entitled to. Additional time was needed to prevent “the residents from being sold short” and for the full terms of the agreement to be honored. “I am hoping we get to some happy medium with them within the next two weeks.”

  Councilman James Vaccaro reminded senior residents of the community that they should utilize the township’s senior services department when they are in need of assistance. He said, “they can be reached at 732-657-8121 with extensions 75000, 75001, 75002.”

Police Ceremony

  Calling it an “eye opener” Council President Joan Brush said that a lot more happens within the community than she thought.

  Brush referenced a January 26 police award ceremony that she attended. “I’ve always seen Manchester as a bit of a sleepy town but I was surprised about some of the things that do happen.”

  One story that touched her was about a child being abused by a family member in town. The police interceded and the situation is now in family court. She commended the police on going “above and beyond” in serving residents.

  The annual departmental awards ceremony included such categories as firearms award, unit citation awards, educational achievement award, administrative commendation award, honorable service award and drug enforcement and seizure award – among others.

  The awards committee was made up of Sgt. Theodore Cooke, Detective Richard Jupinka, Corporal Thomas O’Hare, Patrolman Anthony Iliadis and Patrolman Jason Wiener.

  Police Chief Robert Dolan who was present at the meeting thanked the council president for her comments. He said he receives e-mails sharing stories like that, “every night. A lot of things I can’t pass on as they are inappropriate but that has an officer go above and beyond and we appreciate your recognition.”

  The chief noted that two new officers were sworn in during that ceremony.

Dog Park

  Business Administrator Umba said he discussed with county officials to restore a dog park in the plans for the county park which will be on Route 571.

  “It does not appear that this was ever part of the plan. We have put in a request to have that looked at. There are a number of other items that from a recreational stand point put in to the county,” he said.

Manchester Day

  Brush announced that “Manchester Day is back which is a nice thing.” The popular event in the community has been canceled for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic will return to Harry Wright Lake on June 25. “Hopefully we are going in a direction with COVID that will have normalcy come back again.”