MANCHESTER – Resident Vanessa Cisneros of Midway Avenue came out to a recent Township Council meeting to thank officials for the resolution of a problem in her neighborhood.
For more than a year, the resident has come out to many council meetings requesting help concerning unruly neighbors who were tenants of a house on the block. The mayor, governing body and council have been working on addressing the issue.
“You all know me. I’ve been here complaining, complaining, complaining but I wanted to take a moment out to come in and say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work that you guys do. The issue for now has been resolved. The people who were causing all the problems (public urination, loud noise and cursing late into the evening, public consumption of alcohol) they moved out. Thank God,” she said.
Audience members at the meeting loudly applauded upon hearing Cisneros’s news. “I want to thank everyone for listening to me for the past two years. I really appreciate it. Every time we called back you were there. After a meeting, you were there. I am really, really thankful.”
Cisneros added, “I was told by the owner (of the house) that they left two weeks ago as there were just too many complaints.”
Official Reports
During the portion of the meeting where council members and department heads talk about what’s going on in town, Councilman Joseph Hankins reported he attended a Manchester Coordinating Council meeting “who had a speaker talk about human trafficking. Jim (Vaccaro) and I also did the (township) bills.”
Council Vice President Vaccaro said he had attended a Master Plan Committee meeting with Council President Roxy Conniff.
“I encourage our residents to shop locally and support our small businesses. Shopping locally supports our township, supports our residents, creates jobs and encourages businesses to consider locating to Manchester Township which is the gemstone of the Jersey shore,” he added.
He also urged the rest of the council to introduce an ordinance in the near future that would serve to encourage new businesses to open in the township.
Council President Conniff reported that she attended the grand opening of physical therapy business on Lacey Road in Whiting that is owned and operated by a township resident. “It is very exciting to have this business open in Whiting.”
Police Chief Antonio Ellis noted that there were additional police patrols during the holiday season. He noted that there were patrols the night before Thanksgiving “which is traditionally a large party night when kids come back from college for the first time and they get a little out of hand sometimes so we target the roads and we have grants that cover those kinds of enforcement.”