MANCHESTER – A young man swimming in one of the lakes on the Heritage Minerals property drowned on August 1, police said.
Jimy Sadan Gomez-Estrada, 22, of Cliffside Park, was swimming in one of the lakes at around 6:30 p.m. He and another swimmer were in distress. Passersby were able to pull them both out. Lifesaving measures were performed on Gomez-Estrada, but he ultimately was pronounced dead at Community Medical Center in Toms River.
The mining company that used to operate the property had dug up the area so much that they eventually formed lakes. But, they don’t have the safe bottom that natural lakes have. There are drop-offs to depths of 60 feet and some estimate that the deepest lake is 3,000 feet deep. Additionally, the mineral water that fills the lake reduces buoyancy, and the temperature is cold. All of these factors make it very hazardous, police warn.
Any witnesses at “Crystal Lake” is urged to contact Detective Richard Conklin of the Manchester Township Police Department’s Investigations Bureau at 732-657-2009 ext. 4211.
Assisting with this investigation is the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department Crime Scene Investigation Unit and the Ocean County Medical Examiner’s Office.
The Manchester Township Police Department would like to remind the public that the Heritage Minerals or “ASARCO” site is private property. It is closed for recreational and/or other use and it is a criminal offense to enter or remain on the property. In the interest of public safety, the Manchester Township Police urges everyone to obey the “No Trespassing” signs posted at the site. Trespassers are subject to substantial fines and penalties up to and including incarceration for being on the property.