MANCHESTER – Seniors at Manchester Township High School recently let their inner artist shine by painting their own unique design on a parking space at the high school.
A popular trend at high schools all over, seniors can choose to decorate a parking space in the school parking lot with a design of their choosing, making the space their own. Manchester Schools took this one step further, turning the activity into a fundraiser for the incoming senior class.
“Seniors who made the donation were able to get creative and paint their parking spot for the year. We think they did a great job!” stated the district.

“This is the first year we’ve painted parking spots,” Victoria Trapp, educator at MTHS told Jersey Shore Online.
An idea by the students for the students: it was members of student government that researched and designed the project proposal, added Trapp.
While both an outlet for creative expression and a good cause, students’ parking space designs were still subject to approval from the administration prior to painting.
Some boasted funny messages, like “This is Nacho Spot” accompanied by a painted plate of nachos. Two neighboring spots were decorated with the famous underwater flower theme from Spongebob Squarepants, reading “Four Years Later…” and “And We Made It!”

Some toted colorful, floral designs or support for a Manchester sports team. Others drew from pop culture, making references to a popular rap album, the Harry Potter series, the TV show Friends, or the fan-favorite film The Lion King.
Each parking space is different and unique, representing student interests from all ends of the spectrum whether it be sports, art, theater, or just fun.
A total of 45 students, with the help of their families and friends, worked on the art project over the course of two days.
Trapp also noted that the students have use of their spot for the entire school year, during school time.