MANCHESTER – Mayors often present proclamations honoring residents for good deeds but the tables were turned on Mayor Robert Arace with his receiving a certificate that honored a township achievement concerning veterans during a recent council meeting.
Roger P. Grenier, chairman of the township’s Veterans Advisory Committee presented him the certificate and noted the achievement.
“Normally I am here to receive a proclamation from Mayor Arace but this evening it is my pleasure and honor to present him and the Township Council with a veterans community award,” Grenier said. The Governor’s “We Value Our Veterans” community award is an initiative by the state’s Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Community Relations.
It recognizes “the contributions of veterans in the state of New Jersey. It gives a municipality the opportunity to value and honor the sacrifices and patriotism and bravery displayed by our men and women who have worn the military uniform,” he added.
Grenier said a “town may already recognize veterans in numerous ways but this award provides an additional avenue to honor New Jerseyans who have answered the call of arms in defense of American values.”
“Our veteran representatives serve as a valuable part of our New Jersey heritage and receiving this award will serve as a conspicuous representation of support of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen,” Grenier added.
He added, “the award comes with a certificate from Governor Phillip Murphy specifically for a community, business or academic institution. This award designation can used on a website, letterhead, flyers or banners.”
Grenier said that in order to receive this award “a county or municipality must receive a total of 145 points based on 15 initiatives and complete the community award application. Manchester Township received a score of 150.” To that news the audience responded with strong applause.

Councilman Craig Wallis who serves as the council’s liaison to the Veterans Advisory Committee remarked that in the past year or two “Grenier has always gone way out of his way and the good thing is we have a mayor that supports his efforts. I wanted to recognize Roger who has done a lot to help the veterans of this town.”
Councilwoman Michele Zolezi echoed those remarks. “We should be so honored to have received this award. There is a lot of work that goes into it. It is very comprehensive and we have a wonderful community of veterans here and we have a lot of people here within the community, elected officials and people who really support our veterans.”
In other news, Councilman Joseph Hankins said he testified at a Senate hearing in favor of bill S-281 concerning the Fire Safety Act committee. This legislation which Hankins said he spoke in favor of, concerns automatic fire sprinkler systems within newly constructed townhouses.
Council Vice President James Vaccaro spoke about the need for a future senior center established within the township and the exploration of available grants for the center. “This will require council and administration discussion and consideration.”
“In January, a new chairperson will be elected to assist the director of senior services and lead the senior advisory council in its activities in 2024,” he added.
He also requested the Council and administration to research federal funding to implement a “lifesaving dialysis transportation program grant to provide transportation for seniors of our township to receive the medical care they need.”
Vaccaro said the program could be administered and implemented “through our senior services department. He also suggested his fellow council members and administration consider a marketing plan to promote the township “the gemstone of the Jersey Shore to attract and secure small businesses, retail establishments, restaurants and medical care health village to come to Manchester Township to provide services for our residents.”