Police Association Mattress Sale Fundraiser

Photo by Jason Allentoff

LAKEHURST – The Borough’s Police Association will host a one day only mattress sale fundraiser on November 23.

  The sale will be held at 207 Center St., Community Center.

  Attendees will have a wide selection of famous mattress brands to choose from in all sizes as well as pillows, bedding and bases (including adjustable bases).   The event is an easy, affordable and enjoyable way to purchase a mattress while supporting local first responders.

  A portion of every sale will go towards the Lakehurst Police Association who is raising money for “No-Shave November”.

  The No Shave November program refers to an annual charity event where police officers forgo shaving and grooming in order to evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness.

  The association’s members urge the public to come and support them raise money for No-Shave November.