LAKEHURST – Classic Cadillacs were a popular sight during the recently held Fourth of July Parade and Car Show held along Union Avenue on Independence Day. One was spotted parked with a tiger – not in the tank but in the tail end of the car. Another had a youngster in a miniature version riding down the street.
The parked vehicle with the stuffed tiger was one of a large number of vintage automobiles that were among this year’s display at the Lakehurst Historical Society’s annual Fourth of July Car show that filled a field at the Lakehurst Elementary School and a portion of the street on Union Avenue.
Vehicles of all ages, styles and models brought back memories of those who passed through the free show. There were vendors along the road as well and organizations like the Lakehurst Historical Society who were promoting museum visits to their Center Street facility.
LHS member Bill Schmidt was there seeking out members to the organization. Members of Girl Scout Troop 60009 were cooking up and selling burgers and hot dogs while providing cold beverages for what was a rather warm morning.

The car show began at 9 a.m. and set up started pretty early around the school grounds and street. The parade came later and featured just about every vehicle in the borough ranging from police cars with Police Chief Matthew Kline leading off the parade, to a fleet of fire trucks, first aid squad vehicles, a public works truck and more. There were also numerous bike riders with decorated bicycles draped in red, white and blue that headed down the parade route.
A few of the cars seemed to have drivers that were way too young. These toddlers were in miniature Cadillacs and other cars being pulled by parents.

Members of the Girl Scout Troop 60009 looked pretty patriotic as well as they marched down the parade path. Parade spectators, most of whom were also in varying shades of red, white and blue were cheering those in the parade and later made their way back to the car show.
Lakehurst’s very own Poppy Princess, Madison Jones from VFW Post 1061, also had a nice ride down the street complete with her sash and tiara.
Both events drew a lot of families who were looking for some patriotic fun. The car show also featured a gift auction, food, raffles, contests and a prize for the most patriotic decorated car.

Sadly, the July 3 fireworks display had to be canceled due to inclement weather. The mayor and council will be discussing a date for the fireworks during the July 20 council meeting. Currently, they are looking at the August 1, National Night Out or sometime in the fall for the opportunity to light up the sky with some pyrotechnics.