MANCHESTER – Lucille Hines has lived in the Whiting section of the township since 2000. The 91-year-old recently had a problem that required immediate attention and she found the solution to her dilemma just a short distance from her home.
Hines came out a bit early to the Emergency Services building at 82 Lacey Road which now houses a senior services office. She came there having read about the new office’s opening that was taking place that morning.
She shared her story with Judy Noonan, Mayor Robert Arace’s confidential aide, who was joined by Kaylan Ricotta, the Executive Secretary of the mayor’s office, Ocean County Senior Services Director Maria LaFace, members of her department and representatives of the Somebody Cares nonprofit.
“I just discovered that my phone is not working. I have the Life Alert. I figured I’d come right over here and get some help and see what they could do,” Hines said.
Shortly after the ribbon cutting ceremony for the building, Hines received help from several representatives. Noonan was happy to report later in the day that Hines received the help she needed to get her phone operational again – which was a relief to her knowing she once again had a quick source of communication.
“These are the kinds of problems seniors have and this office is a convenient place for them to come for help and information,” Noonan added.
Among those present were Mayor Arace, Council Vice President James Vaccaro and Ocean County Commissioner Gary Quinn.

“I think it is accommodating those in this part of our community. It will be very convenient for them and I think it will work out well,” Vaccaro said.
Mayor Arace also noted the convenience the new office would provide. “Trekking across to the east side of town can be difficult for seniors. This will make it easier for them. Sometimes there is 25-to-30-minute traffic.”
“We have a lock box program that we are working on,” the mayor added. The township has another office near Town Hall. He also noted the high population of seniors in Manchester and the high number of veterans in the township that also seek services.
Noonan said she hopes to see the facility to also be used for special senior and veterans’ informational programs.

“Having Judy out here, having senior services out here and eventually I’d like to have services for veterans,” the mayor added.
LaFace said it is great to have a location “where we can better educate your residents on some of the issues that we are seeing. It would be great to get ahead of it here.”
Quinn said regarding senior services that anything the township needed from the county he would help with. “We are actually going out to different communities now, we went out to Ocean County College this week.”
Whiting resident Barbara Juhase was another attendee. “I moved into the area in May of last year. I still work full-time and am not 65 but once I retire, I want to know what services are available in the area.”
The phone number for the facility is 732-657-8121 x4930.