MANCHESTER – A FedEx box truck rear-ended another vehicle this morning early this morning.
Manchester Township Police reported that the driver of a 2006 Hino box truck slammed into the back of a 2005 Dodge Caravan at Ridgeway Road and Torry Avenue at 8:55 a.m. May 1.
The Caravan had slowed at railroad crossing when it was hit behind by the box truck. It then crashed into a utility pole, causing further damage. Police arrived to find a downed utility pole and live wires on the ground in front of the minivan.
The minivan driver, Saliha Laghrour, 55, of Toms River, sustained minor injuries and was taken to Community Medical Center for treatment. Her passenger, 48-year-old Azza Dehab of Seaside Heights was transported to Jersey Shore University Medical Center with serious injuries.
The Hino box truck driver, 33-year-old Yeuri Delossantos-Padil of Somerset, was uninjured.
All three were wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash, police reported.
Police rerouted traffic while emergency crews investigated and cleared the crash site. Jersey Central Power & Light crews made repairs.
The Manchester Volunteer Fire Department, EMTs from Quality Medical Transport and paramedics from MONOC assisted.
Officers Jesse Hoydis and Ian Bole of the department’s Traffic Safety Unit are investigating.