MANCHESTER – He’s flattered his name has been floated, but no, he’s not looking to take Assemblyman David Wolfe’s 10th District seat.
Manchester Mayor Kenneth Palmer reached out to The Manchester Times and Jersey Shore Online to dispel any rumors of his seeking to fill that spot.
“Over the past few days I have received a number of calls and inquiries about my interest in pursuing the Assembly position for the 10th Legislative District. While I am humbled to be considered, I will not pursue that position,” Palmer said in a Jan. 29 email. “I am confident whomever the Ocean County Republican’s select to run in the fall, will represent the residents of the 10th District with as much integrity and skill as David Wolfe.”
Wolfe recently announced he would not be seeking reelection this year. He has served in the State Legislature since 1992. His term ends January 2020.
Palmer just started his second term as mayor of Manchester.