MANCHESTER – Due to the need to add further safeguards to the school system’s internet, students will be on full remote learning for most of this coming week.
“We have experienced several issues with our internet connection and this has resulted in students and families being unable to connect to the instruction from our teaching staff,” Superintendent David Trethaway said.
Noting that this has had a negative impact on students who are receiving instruction remotely as well as causing issues with students who are receiving-in person instruction, the administration investigated the cause of the problem with their internet provider.
Trethaway said, “it has been determined that our system will need to add additional safeguards to ensure that these interruptions in service do not continue. These additional safeguards will take several days to be completely installed and activated.”
All Manchester Schools, including the Regional Day School, will be placed on remote instruction January 25, January 26 and 27.
“There will be no in-person instruction for any student on these three days. We are hopeful that these safeguards will be in place or in-person instruction on Thursday (January 28),” the superintendent said in a message to parents.
He added that no data or information has been lost due to any service interruptions and he apologized for any “inconvenience this may cause our students, staff, and families but unfortunately, this issue is beyond our local control and this step is necessary to ensure all of our students and staff are safe and able to receive instruction without any interruption of service.