MANCHESTER – It was announced earlier this year and he knew the day was coming but at long last, David Trethaway put in his last day of work as the township’s educational leader.
Trethaway addressed students and community members prior to his departure saying, “I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all of the support you have shown me over these 14 years.”
He said his last day “was indeed a special day as I was overwhelmed with the ‘clap out’ from the staff and students in all six buildings. It meant a lot to me to be given the opportunity to say farewell to the entire staff and all of the students throughout the district.”

The superintendent added, “the banners, the notes and signs from the students and the smiling faces were all something special. I can’t thank the staff and the students enough for putting this together and participating in a special day and it is something I will never forget.”
Trethaway noted the changes made during his tenure. “Our district has gone through so many challenges, especially over the last few years, but I am proud of how the staff, the students and the parents have responded in coping with these situations.”
“Manchester has always been a community where we make sacrifices and help out those in need and also do everything for our students and your children. Any district where the community and school district come together for Kevin’s Kids, Helping Hands for Hunger and other activities is a very caring community,” Trethaway added.

“Whether it was moving the Middle School out for several months due to a mold situation, housing the Lakehurst students and staff to help with a similar situation or now dealing with COVID, our parents, students and staff have done what is necessary to succeed. It probably is fitting that on my last day there is one more challenge and that is that the district is closed due to snow,” he said.

Trethaway noted that, “it is said that you do not know the quality of a staff or a community until you see how they react in a difficult situation. If that is the case, then the Manchester School District and the Manchester community has proven what a special place it is. You should all be proud of what we have accomplished as a school district and I can assure you that the Manchester School District is respected throughout Ocean County.”
“It has been an honor and privilege to have served as the Superintendent of the Manchester Township School District these last 14 years and I can’t thank you enough for your support of the district. I know Manchester will continue to grow and continue to address any challenges that come up. I also know that Mr. (John) Berenato, the new superintendent will have your support and will move this district forward,” Trethaway added.

He concluded saying, “Thank you again, good luck, and take care.”