MANCHESTER – The 14th Annual Kids Fishing Derby will take place on June 9, 2018 at Pine Lake Park. Join the Manchester Township Police Athletic League from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the event!
The Kids Fishing Derby combines fishing and fun with educational anti-drug and alcohol abuse messages for kids. Manchester PAL will provide fish for children to stock in the lake, and there will be free food and prizes.
With the support of the Mayor, Township Council, Alliance, Public Works and Recreation Department, these derbies have been a great success over the years,
The Ocean County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs will be supporting this year’s derby. The event has also registered with NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife’s and HOFNOD’s 2nd Annual Youth Fishing Challenge. The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife will provide program materials and prizes for the children as well.
This event is for children up to 15 years of age. Admission is free. Children must bring their own fishing equipment, but bait will be provided.
Pre-register by sending your child’s name and age, as well as the guardians name to
Manchester Pal, PO Box 487 Lakehurst, NJ 08733.